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Créé par sketcher
15 janv. 2019, 17 h 15

I was diagnosed with Leukemia about 3 months ago. I have COPD and had a heart valve replaced a year ago. They tell me I can not have chemo as it would likely kill me so, now I have about a year, they say. 
I am grasping at straws, but does anyone know if there is a holistic method to improve my immune system. I am 67 years old and would like a little more time.
25 janv. 2019, 22 h 07

Welcome to the DF platform and for connecting with us.


The approaches of holistic health is not something we’re overly familiar with at CVH. There are a few associations that focus on natural health, for example the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada and would be more informed in this area.


BC Cancer Agency also has some information here,

Expressing your interest and having an open conversation with your involved health care team likely will also be a helpful avenue to pursue


Wishing you well,  

- Ogechi (CVH Moderator)
Réponse de cureforcancer
14 mars 2019, 13 h 27

On the day My friend Nidhi and her husband Raj were set to celebrate the birth of their son, their three-year-old, Kiaan was diagnosed with blood cancer.

Their whole world instantly plummeted into darkness as they were told their beautiful brown-eyed boy had an aggressive blood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia.

“Through the sadness and grief, we didn’t know how to respond. The walls shattered.”

“You never think the worst will come true,” said Nidhi. “It is very hard to receive that shocking news. You don’t want to accept it.”

“Kiaan’s platelet count was so low that if he had fallen over at daycare and hit his head, he would have died.”

20 mars 2019, 15 h 17

When someone in a family is diagnosed with a serious illness it can be quite a shock, even more so when it involves a young child. Your concern and love for this family is evident. I do hope they feel your love and support. This is likely a time when they will need to lean on others for support, comfort and a listening ear. I wish them strength as a family as they navigate the road ahead.


- Ogechi (CVH Moderator)
Réponse de RyanWalker11
16 avr. 2021, 9 h 53

I sympathize with you. I know how hard it can be, my brother was ill with leukemia for 3 years and we fought with all our might for his life
27 avr. 2021, 16 h 04

I am so sorry I ddn't respond to your post earlier. How long ago was your brother ill? What helped you and your family at that time?

Réponse de machin
01 mai 2022, 15 h 25

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects your blood cells and bone marrow. As with other types of cancer, there's currently no cure for leukemia. People with leukemia sometimes experience remission, a state after diagnosis and treatment in which the cancer is no longer detected in the body. {removed by moderator - see Discussion Forum Guidelines

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