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Réponse de tstorm
22 sept. 2021, 17 h 55

Thank you Katherine. You're very kind. I do believe in the spirit and they're connection to us. Some people are more open to it than others. I'd like to read more about this type of visitation. If you have any kind of information on a book or books that deal with this subject I would ask that you let me know. I'll try and google and see what I come up with. 

22 sept. 2021, 19 h 16

I know another member McRalph who might be able to help. Let me try and connect you.

Warm virtual hugs,
Réponse de McRalph
22 sept. 2021, 22 h 21

Hi Tstorm,
I just want to say that I am so sorry for your deep deep grief and loss of your best friend.  I believe what you have been experiencing up to this point is anticipatory grief.  That is grief that comes with the knowing that a beloved person is about to die.  You grieve the loss that is coming.  I personally do not believe in complicated grief.  I think grief is horrible horrible feeling and we feel that way for as long and as deep as we need to.  In order to move through it we have to feel it.  It's painful but it necessary.  My husband and best friend died suddenly of cardiac arrest in January.  We had been friends since 7th grade.  There was no warning, no health concerns and a Coroner and cardiac pathologist have no idea why he died.  He got up, made my two girls breakfast and died a few minutes later.  Shock and disbelief is how I felt for months.  Now the fog is lifting and now it's pain. I am getting through it though.  I allow myself to take breaks from the grief by deliberately distracting myself as best I can.  Right now your mental health needs to be your top priority.  Good nutrition, exercise and sleep.  It's what is keeping me sane right now.  

As far as spirituality goes a great book is called "Where Did You Go" by Christina Rasmussen.  She also has an FB group for the book.  She teaches you how to journey to see your loved one.  Mentally I am not there yet but I did buy the book and read the first chapter.  I also made an appointment with a medium in November.  I am open minded about it all.  My husband has sent me many many signs over the past few months.  

I am also in Ottawa!  I see a therapist and have recently signed up for the share nights from Bereaved Families of Ottawa.  I also did GriefShare and not to worry many people in those groups are shy and introverted so you don't have to feel pressured to participate right away...although it's more helpful if you do.  

I hope some of this has helped and I am so sorry we have to meet under these circumstances.  It's the absolute worst experience we can have as humans.  The only thing that helped me in those early days was the idea that I just needed to get through the next minute or the next hour..,that's it.  Sending love your way <3
Réponse de tstorm
26 sept. 2021, 23 h 29


I'm so so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain at such a sudden loss. Words cannot convey the empathy I feel for you. I just wanted to give you a quick response so you know you're not being overlooked. I will write more in the next few days. I am beyond tired and need to catch up on some sleep. Sending you good wishes. You are not alone.

Réponse de tstorm
11 oct. 2021, 2 h 07

Hi MCRalph,

I bought the book, "Where Did You Go." I just started reading it. I can't give you feedback on it yet. I am at the first few pages. I have been so tired and just don't feel like writing. I'm  hanging in for now. Just so so tired.

Réponse de eKIM
11 oct. 2021, 17 h 06

Hi TStorm

I thought I would share this short video clip with you:

Golden Summit Cloud Sea

I just received the link today from a friend who is a Buddhist Monk.

I can just imagine my dear Mom, looking down and saying, "This is the peace I feel.  Some day we will all feel this peace."

- eKim

Réponse de tstorm
11 oct. 2021, 17 h 33


Thank you for that. I only hope that is where Carole is and finding her peace.

Réponse de tstorm
11 avr. 2022, 22 h 28

This is a new and difficult topic to talk about. It does relate to my friend Carole who died from cancer almost 7 months ago. Once someone is diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, it has metastasized and the pain is excrutiating there is the option of physician assisted death. Does the person need to meet certain criteria? I have often thought of my final days with Carole and her Stage IV cancer. She fought to the end. Then there was my mom who suffered through Alzheimer's. Had she had the option of physician assisted death I often wonder if she would end her life in a peaceful way. Then comes my story. I have neurofibromatosis (NF) and have had a biopsy on my shoulder. About 30 years ago I had a massive superficial tumour removed. But internally it continued to grow. It is only in the past few months that I felt I had neglected to reach out to a specialist to see what was happening internally. Last week I had a biopsy on my shoulder. There was a spot that they couldn't biopsy because it was high risk. Well this week I got the results of this biopsy. And I'm freaking out. My specialist is away until April 19th. Part of the report reads, "An examination of the complete tumour from a surgical specimen is however necessary to rule out MPNST." I had no idea what MPNST meant so I did some research. But it all makes sense. Because I do have NF. This is what I found...

After this long story I started to think about, what if I do have cancer, what if it's Stage IV and it has metastasized. I know I'm jumping the gun but my mind wandered there. Keeping in mind and watching and seeing what Carole went through. All the pain, the grief, the chemo, the radiation, and all for not. I thought that this is not something I would want to go through. I would wish to go to sleep peacefully. No pain. I have had over 20 surgeries. I have suffered a lot from many, many surgeries, developed PTSD, and every 3 or 4 years I have more surgery. I have come to the end of my rope should this turn out to be a tumour. I'm tired of fighting a battle, that in my mind, cannot be won. I shared the news with a few close friends and each say to just wait and see what my doctor says. I'm trying hard to stay the course. It is difficult. When I talked to one close friend that I would want physician assisted death, I knew what her thoughts would be. She believes it's committing suicide. And because of this it is considered a sin, according to the bible, and those that believe in that. How would I try and give her a different perrspective about events in the bible? I, for one, do not believe in the bible. I don't think I ever have. I told her that I don't see it as suicide. And the bible can be interpreted in many different ways. How do you make a friend see how you feel or what you're thinking and that my choice would not be suicided but a way to end my suffering in a meaningul way. I don't know how much sense any of this makes but I'm very open to suggestions and feedback. Thank you. tstorm
Réponse de eKIM
11 avr. 2022, 23 h 00


Nobody should force their opinions on you. 

Nobody should tell you what you should do.

You are "in charge" of you.

People should simply listen to your story without judgement.

Compassion should be their only response.

Find such people, surround yourself with them and their love.

TSTORM, I hope that you know that you have friends here at Virtual Hospice.

We cannot provide answers - that is not our role. 

In fact, is improper and even unethical to do so.

We can simply listen, with love.

I came across a quote recently that will stay with me for life.

"The purpose of life is to love as many others as we can."

- eKim
Réponse de tstorm
11 avr. 2022, 23 h 11

Thank you so much for your feedback. I do appreciate it. I thought I considered this friend a good friend. My decision is not going to be based on her beliefs. I did feel a little bit judged. I didn't have much of a feedback. As I have mentioned I don't know the answer to the biopsy report. But if it is the worst news I hope this friend does show some compassion. Thank you. tstorm

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