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Réponse de AMT
14 sept. 2021, 11 h 56

Good morning TStorm,
My forum nickname is AMT, it is what one of my best friends calls me and it comes from the initials of a CBC radio host. I've never been a person that has had nicknames so getting one (that stuck) from a friend felt very meaningful. Friends are so unbelievably special aren't they. 
I read about your friendship with C and smiled many times to myself, I am very familiar with the game Boggle. We played it as a family all the time growing up. I remember the thrill of getting better and finding a 5 letter word (or more). The friend who nicknamed me? Our special game is sequence. We will happily play that all evening. The stakes are really high, "champion of the universe" and I even have a little trophy that we pass back and forth depending on who the winner was that evening. Treasured friends, soul mates, are absolutely precious and the grief we experience when they are no longer with us is just so big. 
I hope you are finding your way to a support network. I read that two co-workers are listening and supporting you and that your doctor is someone you trust. I hope you keep sharing on the forum if you find that writing is a way to get the feelings out and on 'paper'. I was never much of a writer, I needed to (and still need to) move my body for the feelings to flow out. I did find that working with an individual counsellor first and then transitioning to a group was a good approach for me. Sometimes groups can be a bit overwhelming if the grief is too raw and painful. 
I will think of you, and of friendships, today.
Réponse de tstorm
14 sept. 2021, 16 h 21


Thank you so much for your reply. It does feel special when our close friends give us a nickname. I like the idea. Boggle. Oh God. It was Carole that showed me how to play. And we progressed from the small board to the Super Boggle. You need to try that one. It's a real challenge. The name calling went back and forth. We would play for hours and never get tired of it. Now I have no one to play with. I have friends but they would not have the patience or the passion for playing the game. I love the idea of the trophy. That is so cute. I wish I would of thought of that. Too funny. The news from Carole's daughter is not good. I texted her yesterday and wanted her input about paying a visit. Her daughter said that Carole is sleeping most of the time. She is not really aware of space or time. I think she is very near the end. Waiting for her to die is heartbreaking. I think I'm just waiting so I don't feel this anxiety that is part of my every day life. I feel selfish that I'm only talking about he impact her death will have on me. I can only imagine what her husband and family are going through. When my mom was dying of Alzheimer's I just wished she would get over it. Not so much for her sake but for my sake. I felt such a sense of relief when my mom died, I cannot put into words. Then I was hard on myself for thinking that way. I just wish God would take Carole or whoever the hell is controlling the universe. I don't think I believed in a God that would make people suffer so much. I get such angry feelings. Carole was and is a believer. We had very opposing views on that. I guess I want my suffering to end. I know, her's has ended, probably a long time ago. And there I go again. Feeling selfish and ashamed of myself for thinking this way. I was in therapy for 20 years. For a lot of different feelings. I don't want to go back to that. I know my friends say they are there for me but I guess I need physical comfort. Just someone to hug me and hold me while I shed my tears. Thank you so much for reading my letter. It's good to know I'm not alone in my struggles. And I did think that a group setting would be rather hard. I don't know what else to do. Where to go. Who to talk to. I really feel so alone in this. There is no replacing the depth of the friendship I had with Carole. I'm just glad we were able to express our feelings. Not in person, but through email. She writes to me about our friendship through the years. What I meant to her and my own health struggles. She never really expressed her feelings of facing death. She just kept saying, "it is what it is." Take good care AMT. I will be thinking of friendships as you are.

Réponse de AMT
15 sept. 2021, 13 h 07

Good morning TStorm,
I valued reading you share your feelings, I know what you described are feelings that anyone who has watched a loved one with a prolonged illness and death can relate to. There is no two ways about it, the waiting for the inevitable is just plain awful. Especially as once the anxiety and worry are over then the grieving and missing get to begin. One of the feelings that I noticed (even though you might not have directly named it) was pain. The pain of losing your treasured friend, the pain of being part of a universe with death and dying and the pain we feel when we experience shame, even when it's self-inflicted. Comfort is such a natural thing to want when we are suffering, a hug, a caresse, an arm around the shoulder. All these affectionate and gentle gestures that soothe pain and remind us of our connections. One body of work I use myself and encourage others to explore is some of the practice that comes from Mindful Self-Compassion. Mindful Self-Compassion encourages us to offer the same loving-kindness to ourselves that we give a dear friend. Research has shown it to be effective, even if is sounds a little weird. Kristen Neff is one of the lead researchers and teachers. I've included a link to her website, specifically the page of practices to try. Three of my favourites are: soles of the feet, affectionate breathing and self-compassion break. Of course you may not want to give any of that a look which is completely valid. Self-Compassion Exercises by Dr. Kristin Neff
s you move through your day today know that I am sending comfort and compassion to you, Carole and Carole's family. 
Réponse de tstorm
19 sept. 2021, 15 h 51


Thank you for your thoughtful response. You are so right in everything you say. I'm in pain now. I can't imagine the pain I will feel when Carole dies. I think I'm prepared but I think I'm just fooling myself. Every day I wait to hear news that she is close to death or has died. And that is giving me anxiety every day. I hate to say this but sometimes I wish she would hurry up and die. To take her pain away, if she has any, and to take away my pain and the waiting. I did check out the website for Dr. Kristin Neff. I signed up for her newsletters as well. A lot of the ideas on there are a lot like what I experienced when I was in therapy. I was in therapy for 20 years. My first doctor was gentle and patient with me until she retired after 10 years. Losing her was a huge loss for me. I sobbed when she told me she was retiring. Getting over that relationship took a long time. Then I was referred to another therapist and the atmosphere was less then perfect. I spent 10 years with her. She accused me of a lot of things and was rather gruff and made me question myself in a lot of ways. Near the end, I decided that her therapeutic approach was becoming harmful and I decided that going back to her was not a good thing. So I quit with her. With both these doctors we worked on cognitive behaviour therapy. It worked to some degree but I still have negative thoughs about myself. And visiting Dr. Kristin Neff's site reminded me of the cognitive approach. I try to say things to myself that I would say to a friend. But it's a struggle. So many regrets. I so wish to see her one last time. Even if it would be to see her through a window at the hospice. I think I'll just show up and sneak around to find which room she is in from the outside. But then I have to remind myself what her daughter had asked. And I did say to her that I respected her wishes. There are days when I feel like I don't miss her because it's been such a long time since we haven't talked or seen each other. Then there are more days that I miss her it's hearbreaking. The African Violets she gave me are blooming like crazy. Beautiful flowers and healthy leaves. It is only now that they have decided to come to life. I tried buying my own Violets but they always ended up dying. I like to think there is a reason behind their growth right now. I believe in things like spirits and souls. Is this growth just an ordinary occurance or is there a deeper meaning? Coincidence? Makes me really wonder. I try to share my feelings with some of my co-workers. Some just shrug it away. One things its a deeper meaning. I try and find anyone to validate the way I'm thinking. Carole would be so happy that they are in full bloom. Just like her own Violets at home that I was always jealous of. I can't remember if I talked about premonitions before. But it has happened to be three times. People that I have been close to have died. And each time there was some sort of entity. Some sort of soul being that reached out to me and reassured me that I didn't have to worry about them anymore. And always at night. The last soul that appeared to me was my mom. She was in a nursing home. On a Thursday night she appeared to me. Her soul, her ghost, her being. I felt a surge of energy pass through me as she appeared out of her body and by my bedsied. She said that I didn't have to worry about her anymore. And then that same surge of energy passed through me and she was gone. I got a call from the nursing home early Friday morning that she had taken a turn for the worst. By the time my brother and I got there, she was just a shell of a person. I think her soul had already departed her body. It was just her heart that kept beating. She died on Sunday morning with my brother and I at her bedside. I shut her eyes and kissed her one last time. I need Carole to do the same with me. A visitation, a final farewell, her soul to reach out to mine. I miss my dear friend.
Réponse de AMT
20 sept. 2021, 13 h 55

Good morning TStorm,
There are a few pieces in what you shared that really jump out for me.  I'm very glad you trusted and cared for yourself and stopped seeing a therapist that was making you question your own self and causing you harm. That must not have been easy.  The main difference between CBT and mindful self compassion is (in my understanding) is that CBT teaches you to have different thoughts about something with the goal that different feelings will then arise in place of the 'negative' ones. You sort of think your way to different behaviours and feelings. Mindful self compassion invites us to acknowledge the feelings that we are having and respond to them in a different way. Often, in the response the feelings can shift. May I share an example?
When grocery shopping I have the reputation of choosing the slow mowing line. When I find myself in one such line (especially on a day when I don't have lots of room in my schedule) my inner dialogue gets negative really fast. I put myself down for the line I picked, I put the person in front of me down for taking so long, I feel cross, impatient, frustrated, judgemental and then piled on top of all that I shame myself for being so petty. Taking a tool from MSC I put my hand over my heart and just gently say to myself "this is a moment of suffering". And I leave my hand there (I'm still in the line in the grocery store) and breathe and say that phrase a few more times, quietly in my own thoughts, and the crabby feelings seem to lose their grip. I gentled my way through that moment, rather than thought my way through that moment. 
I completely recognize that standing in line at a grocery store is not the same as having a best friend die. You are likely having days where painful feelings show up uninvited at all hours and you may have to work hard to tend to those feelings over and over. 
I don't remember what Carole's daughter asked and it seems like you were asked to not visit? Would you be able to send a card or some flowers? I loved reading about your blooming African Violets. What a beautiful reminder of your friend. There are many people in my life (including my own self) and many people on this forum who have experienced messages from loved ones. These can often be very comforting and are experienced through experiences like visitations, dreams and even animals. Last year the mother of a colleague died and the mother absolutely loved clear blue skies without a single cloud. On the one year anniversary of her passing there was the clearest, bluest sky you could imagine and my colleague was so comforted by that, it felt like a message to her that her mother was at peace and sending her love. 
May you experience glimpses of peace today,
Réponse de tstorm
22 sept. 2021, 12 h 27

Carole died this morning, Wednesday September 22, 2021, at 5:30 am.
Réponse de AMT
22 sept. 2021, 12 h 35

Oh TStorm, I'm so sorry to hear that. 
With the gentlest of thoughts for you today,
Réponse de eKIM
22 sept. 2021, 13 h 29


I am so sorry that you are going through this difficult time.

Living through a ThunderStorm is very hard.

Are you able to find any peace in the CalmAfterTheSorm?

I send you thoughts of lovingkindness.

I hope that peace finds you.

- eKim

Réponse de tstorm
22 sept. 2021, 13 h 35

AMT. Thank you so much. I got to work at 6:30 am this morning to start my shift. Around 7:00 am I got a text message from Jennifer, Carole's daughter. As soon as I saw Jennifer's name pop up I knew in my heart that it was sad news. What is so odd is the dream I had about her two night agao. I was in a huge room full of strangers I didn't know. Almost like they weren't even there. Then all of a sudden, like in the bible and Moses' parting of the Red Sea, there was a lane that opened up and the room full of people parted to two sides. Then Carole walked down this open lane looking radiant and beautiful and healthy and headed in my direction where I was waiting for her. She glowed with so much beauty. She had on a bit of makeup and she just ook my breath away. We held onto each other and hugged each other tightly. We expressed the depth of our deep love for each other. We held onto each other and hugged each other tightly. And thenall of a sudden she was gone. Just disappeared. Like she was whisked away. When I woke up from the dream it was 5:05 AM. And it was a good thing I woke up because I realized I forgot to set the alarm to wake me up at 5:15 to get to work on time. Coincidence? Call it a premonition. The same sort of thing happened with my mom and 2 other close friends when they passed away. I was close to them as well.
22 sept. 2021, 15 h 31

In the midst of such sadness a beautiful memory.  

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