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Réponse de eKIM
23 oct. 2022, 21 h 50

I am sorry to hear that has happened.  A lot of people don't understand the "ins and outs" of life insurance - before and after they buy it.  It comes as quite a shock, as you know when they do find out.  

How are you holding up emotionally these days?  Has any type of counselling been of help?

Remember, if you have anything that you want to "get off your chest", we are here for you.

Réponse de Storybook
23 oct. 2022, 23 h 07

Thx for your response ekim. Gonna do a bit of a dump, "get it off my chest" as you say.

I was doing pretty good until I got the ME report. I was able to process the cause of death mentally and medically, and with so much time behind me I didn't expect that it would affect me physically again. I experienced muscle tension, upset gut, and dealt with lack of sleep for a few weeks. I'm still trying to recalibrate my sleep and work through the muscle tension.

Emotionally I feel I'm still a bit numb, but I'm still working through the trauma of witnessing his death. I've worked through a lot of anger, although receiving the life insurance I felt more anger. I'm also working through confusion, mainly the confusion of my marriage.

Not sure if I mentioned this, but my husband had a severe mental illnes, which he skillfully hid from many, even me until we married. At home was a different story. I was fully aware of his struggles as he was a hoarder. I lived with this for the 16 years we were married. He owned a condo when we were dating, I found out after we married that there was a major hoaring scenario going on. It stayed that way and was neglected for 20 years. Now I'm responnsible for cleaning up the mess his mental illnes created. The condo just got cleaned up and repaired a month ago, now I'm starting to clean up my home.

He also chose not to be treated or medicated for his depression for 12 years which profoundly impacted him, and caused damage to our marriage. That's currently been the focus of my therapy sessions. As my therapist put it, I've got to untangle myself from his mental illness. 
Réponse de eKIM
24 oct. 2022, 0 h 36

The fact that you are seeing a therapist is great.  They are trained to see things clearly when what we see is foggy, blurred and confusing. 

It's not your fault.  It's the trauma that you experienced that is "having its way" with you.  The therapist will help you rebalance.  It may not happen as quickly as you would like but stick with it.  You will be glad that you did so in the end. 

Do you have a good rapport with the therapist?  Do you feel that they are the right therapist to help you?

I am so sorry for the difficult time you had in your marriage.  You are an EarthAngel for trying as hard as you did.  I say this because I married my EarthAngel 53 years ago. 

I was (and still am) a work in progress.  I don't know why we men are blessed with such wonderful women.  It seems we don't deserve it, but we are blessed anyway.  I give thanks each and every day.

I hope that you find peace.  Love yourself for the loving person that you are.

Love plays an important part in our journey of healing.  Self-love is a key ingredient.

Many of the people that I help as a grief and bereavement volunteer do not have enough people in their life who will listen non-judgementally to their story. 

That's why we at Canadian Virtual Hospice are here.  You can tell your story to us as often as you want to and for as long as you need to. 

Repeating the same details is Ok.  Sometimes people have to lay the details out over and over and over until they become clear to them.

We're here for you.

- Ekim

ps Here is something that I use for my own self-care and stress management.  It has dozens of suggestions. 

You might just find the one which is right for you.

Réponse de Storybook
24 oct. 2022, 1 h 57

Yes, the trauma is "having it's way with me," that's an accurate way of saying it. I'm still trying to heal from muscle tension and extreme fatigue. I started seeing a biodynamic craniosacral therapist to help release trapped trauma, and I see a physio therapist whose focus is on German new medicine. She's also trauma informed and understands how trauma can affect one physically.

I have 2 therapists, the one who I see every 2 weeks is free and is provided by my employer. She's pretty good, understands my situation and allows a safe place to share my stuff. My 2nd therapist is absolutely incredible, I have to pay her fee which is very high but worth it. I see her less often due to cost. I found her about 4 months before Michael died and we started seeing her with the hope of repairing our marriage. She saw my late husband for individual therapy as well as both of us for couples therapy, so she can provide insights the other therapist can't.

It is true that my healing is taking longer than I hoped, I need to be patient. I also agree with showing myself love and providing self care.

Thx for the link, I'll check out the site.

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