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Créé par Sadgirl3
15 juil. 2022, 11 h 06

I am suffering from too much loss in a short amount of time. 3 siblings in 6 months. How does one cope?
Réponse de 12
16 juil. 2022, 1 h 56


I am so sorry for your losses. It is so hard to cope, I understand. The losses in my life also came many at once.

It does get easier, even if it seems like it cannot possibly. Certainly the pain will never go away but you find a way to live with it. 

I am sending my best to you,


Réponse de Allyson
18 juil. 2022, 15 h 52

Dear Sadgirl3,


I am so very sorry about the loss of three of your siblings.  It is unimagineable to me that amount of loss in such a short time. Your grief will be all over the place I would imagine.


Be gentle with yourself and know that others are thinking of you.


Is there specific support you are needing??


Let us know.


Réponse de Sadgirl3
19 juil. 2022, 3 h 11

Not sure what anyone can do. I need to grieve but I suffer from severe acid reflux/gastritis and ulcers. Whenever my emotions overwhelm me my body goes crazy with reflux. It's so painful. I feel like I have to be a robot  and not let anything upset me or even not to get excited over anything. It's a miserable life. 😞
Réponse de 12
19 juil. 2022, 13 h 26


There are many of us here, thinking of you. 

Please let us know how you are doing,



Réponse de Mert
20 juil. 2022, 2 h 35

Dear Sadgirl3,

Of course you are sadly right that no one can really help to take away your pain; you grief is brutal with one loss piled up upon the other.  But I hope just knowing that others know what you are going through and are holding you in their hearts and sending you healing energy may at least allieve a little bit the pain of feeling all alone in your suffering.  I am so sorry to hear how your physical suffering is interacting with your emotional distress with each triggering and increasng the other.  I know of others who when their physical and emotional pain after losses created a viscious circle of increasing pain have found help from a doctor in the form of short-term drug treatment to calm the body, but I have no idea if that's possible for you.  I would just encourage you to reach out to anyone or anything right now that can help to get you through the worst of this.  

In caring and concern.   Mert
Réponse de Allyson
20 juil. 2022, 18 h 03

Hi Sadgirl3,


I too have stomach issues and can relate to the painful part.  My emotions too trigger my stomach pain.  There is medication to help if you have not already got that.  Perhaps your doctor could help with some other ways given what you are currently going through.  I have a very helpful doctor but I know that not everyone does.


I have only just started looking into how to meditate as it is supposed to help with stress.  I have found some free courses on an app called CALM.


Thinking of you.


Réponse de Sadgirl3
20 juil. 2022, 19 h 57

Hello everyone. Thank you all for your kindness in reaching out and making me feel so not alone. I think I am doing okay. I'm trying to stay strong for my sister-in-law and my niece who are not doing so well. I guess I am over the shock of it but I find it so sad that my family is dying so close to one another. My mom had a child just about every year so I guess it's to be expected but it is still a shock to the system. I am just taking it day by day and sometimes minute by minute and that's all one can do I guess. This is life and if you don't try and roll with it, it will eat you alive. 

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