Forums de discussion

Grateful for this forum on Mothers Day 
Créé par 12
08 mai 2022, 22 h 38


Just sending out a message today, Mothers Day.
Sad to have lost my mother to cancer
And today is the day my sister died 

I hold so much inside so I can get by day to day

When I read the messages on this forum I can cry I think thats good, and I appreciate the community


11 mai 2022, 15 h 35

Anniversaries and memories...

Thank you for posting 12. 

Réponse de Allyson
11 mai 2022, 17 h 58

Yes, Anniversaries and memories.


It is 10 years April 28 that my Mom died.  I still miss her all the time.


I made a memorial service for her and my partner and I went to her niche to remember her on the anniversary.


Didn't think I would live after my Mom died.  But I did!


Réponse de 12
12 mai 2022, 13 h 15

Thank you Allyson and Katherine

Today is the third anniversary of my sisters death.

People do not remember this date after the years go by, which can be hard.


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