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Hospice Los Angeles 
Créé par rosesamantha00
09 janv. 2023, 11 h 40

Hospice Los Angeles

Today I really wanted to share my thoughts and my personal experience of visiting a hospice, the hospice Los Angeles. By reading this, you may be wondering what exactly I was doing there, me, an eighteen-year-old teenager. Well, long story short, my school decided one day to visit different hospices, see the patients, experience what exactly is such a place, and give them small symbolic gifts for Christmas. Furthermore, let me tell you that the hospice Los Angeles was the one that impressed me the most. This is why I decided to share my opinion and thoughts about it, as well as my personal experience.

First of all, let me start with how impressed I was by the staff working there. All of them were extremely caring, kind, loving, and welcoming. I can imagine that all the patients there feel safe and good around them. Moreover, I observed that the relationship between the patients and staff was very loving. You could hardly tell that these people were actually strangers one to other. When I first entered there, I did not even have an idea what exactly a hospice is, but thankfully a very kind lady which was working there explained it to all of us in very simple words. In case you are wondering too, hospice is a place where a type of care is supplied when a cure is not likely or when people are in the last months or weeks of life. When a loved one of yours suffers from a deadly illness, and you can not help them out or take care of them properly, a hospice is an appropriate option. Personally, I consider the hospice Los Angeles a place jampacked with many benefits. Some really important benefits that really fascinated me are the physical, acupuncture, and speech therapy, and the social assistance and counseling services that offer emotional support to you and your family. Moreover, the lady working there told us that all the nurses and doctors are well-trained in pain management which is also a huge benefit. Additionally, I personally talked to a patient, a very kind woman, and I asked her to share with me her opinion about this hospice. She told me that the staff treats her as a friend and not as a simple patient. She also told me that all the therapists are professionals and that she feels very safe around them. By talking to her, I could tell on my own that she felt very calm and at peace spending her last days there. 

The hospice Los Angeles really features everything a patient needs in his last days, weeks, or months of life. I do not know about their costs, but I herald that they are very beneficial as well. Moreover, their benefits are hard to find anywhere else. Logically I do not want at any cost for any of my family members to suffer from a deadly illness, but if something like this happens, I would for sure let them in the loving hands of the staff of hospice Los Angeles.

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