Hospice Niagara

Adresse Unit 2 - 403 Ontario St
Ville St. Catharines
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain L2N 1L5
Pays Canada
Téléphone 905-984-8766
Numéro de télécopieur 905-984-8242
Adresse courriel info@hospiceniagara.ca
Url http://www.hospiceniagara.ca/

Hospice Niagara helps people and families live well from the time of diagnosis with an incurable condition, during active treatment, through to end-of-life care and bereavement. Our focus is to improve quality of life in a way that is meaningful and personal. Programs and services are offered at no cost to people and families across Niagara, at home, in the community and in our 10-bed hospice residence in St. Catharines. We offer trained visiting volunteers, a day hospice program for some friendship, entertainment and relaxation away from home as well as caregiver respite, outreach teams to help manage pain and other symptoms while working in partnership with primary care providers, a home-like residence for end-of-life care, and bereavement programs for children, teenagers and adults.

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Programmes et services
Programmes et services

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