Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society

Adresse 1506 Ferry Avenue
Ville Prince George
Province / Territoire / État Colombie-Britannique
Code postal / Code postal américain V2L 5H2
Pays Canada
Téléphone (250) 563-2551
Numéro de télécopieur 250-563-2503

The Prince George Hospice Society works to enhance the quality of life and death of individuals experiencing progressive life threatening illness, and help people work through grief and loss by providing supportive programs and services. Rotary House Hospice is a 10-bed facility providing 24-hour care in a home-like atmosphere. In 2000 the society opened a bereavement centre next door to the hospice house, in order to provide a range of support services to family members through the illness and after the death. To reach the Bereavement Centre call 250-563-2551 and to reach the hospice house call 250-563-2481.

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