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Lost my best friend and partner 
Started by Jillcaminotrekker
22 Nov 2021, 11:11 PM

I had been seeing a wonderful man for 4 years, he was my best friend and I had no secrets from him ever.  He was 13 years older than me and neither of us was looking for a relationship when a friend set us up.  We just kind of clicked and he was so wonderful to me and for me.  He had grandkids older than my son and he was retired and I will be working for a while yet.  We didnt live together and actually lived an hour apart.  We talked on the phone every single day and spent our weekends together as well as all our vacations.  He got COVID in August and Died in September.  I am so devastated, and I know that some of my friends dont understand.  They feel that since we didnt live together and that i never went around telling everyone that i loved him that my feelings werent that deep.  Truth is I didnt even tell him that i loved him until the day before he went on life support.  (he knew i did but after my horrible divorce i told him i wouldnt say that to anyone again, thinking it would protect me from pain)  Now i have so many regrets about time i didnt spend with him when i could, why didnt we live together, why didnt i make him get vaccinated, why didnt i tell him i loved him every single day, so many things.  I cry every day and I am so lonely.  Funny, when i got divorced my friends were here lots but now that someone i love has died no one stops by or calls.  I am so sad, lonely and isolated
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23 Nov 2021, 6:59 PM

Dear Jillcaminotrekker,

Joni Mitchell’s song came to mind as I read your post, “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”  I know these words have been true for me since my husband died 6 years ago. It’s a softer feeling now not so jagged. I remember with thankfulness now who he was and how much we had together. But I also remember how lonely and lost I felt and the fog in my head.

Regrets are normal I think, and we feel what we feel, but it sounds as though there was so much good in your relationship – so much giving on both parts, time spent together, talking, doing, being. And I am struck by how he knew you and that you loved him – even if the words were not said. It is a great gift to have been known, but of course that makes the loss of it greater.

Covid has interrupted and disrupted so many lives over the past two years. Was a service of remembrance possible after he died?

I hope posting here and hearing from community members will help ease that sense of isolation.


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Reply by Seeker
23 Nov 2021, 9:00 PM

Hello Jillcaminotrekker; I am so glad that you have found this Forum. Getting the support we need when we are lost in grief is so important.  It can come from places like this and from lots of other places, too.  I wonder if your friends really know how lost you are feeling.  My hope is that if you were able to tell them how much you need them to listen to you right now, how much you are hurting and how sad you are that some of them would feel able to be there for you.  I may well be wrong, but my hope is that they just don't realize what a terrible time you are having right now.

I am not sure that anyone whose life partner dies ever feels that everything went perfectly and that they have absolutely no regrets. After all, pretty much the worst thing that could have happened has just happened.  Our best friend and partner is gone and is never coming back again.  Of course our mind tricks us into thinking that if only something had been different (we didn't get in the car that day, we had convinced them to go to the doctor, whatever) they would still be here.  The reality, though, is often very different.  Sometimes a person is going to die no matter what we do.  It doesn't make it hurt any less but some of the guilt and regret can be lessened so that the grief can be the thing that we focus on feeling.  After all, grief is love and my experience is that it is a part of my life now, just as love always will be.

Your partner was a grown adult and it sounds like he made a choice about not getting vaccinated.  Sure, you might have tried harder to get him to agree to get vaccinated but the reality is that this was his choice to make.  Try to be gentle with yourself.  As much as you loved him, his death was likely out of your control.  

You may want to consider finding some people who "get it" to talk to about all the sadness you are feeling.  We are here in this Forum.  Some friends may be there for you if they know how sad you are.  A grief therapist can be a tremendous support.  And mostly I find it is people who have experienced a great loss who understand the crazy mixture of feelings that we all go through.
Please take care of yourself.~Seeker
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