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Feeling angry all the time 
Started by McRalph
11 Oct 2021, 1:16 PM

Anyone else just feel angry all the time?  My husband died suddenly in January and I am so angry about everything.  All of the things he left me with, raising our two kids by myself.  No one knows why he died, despite and autopsy and forensic pathology report.  No one cares or checks in on me anymore.  My family is so unsupportive and full of drama.  My friends have their own lives and don't understand.  I'm angry that my lawyer is taking so long to settle my estate and I am so broke.  I can't even buy myself something to make me feel better because every spare dollar goes to groceries.  I can't keep up with the bills.  I am in school part time and working part time trying to change my career so I can have a more flexible job which I need right now.  My husband was the one who had the flexible job but he's gone.  My medical benefits run out in a few months and I have no clue how I will afford dentist appointments and eye appointments.  I am so angry.

I am angry that everyone else gets to keep going, living their normal every day life and my life has been destroyed.  I am angry that I don't get a break from parenting anymore.  It's 24/7.  My kids have been sick and out of school all week so it's been extra stressful.  Where is the joy?  Where is the time for me? I just feel so angry all the time.  Is this my life now?  Never being meal making and dishes, cleaning, laundry etc etc.  I can't keep up with it.  I just hate my life now. 
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Reply by Mark99
19 Oct 2021, 6:43 PM


Oh my gosh. What you are sharing is so crushing in all its harsh reality that you are facing. The anger is just so palpable and understandable. So very understandable. From my experience in grief following the death of my wife Donna. I have been there though not to the degree you are. It feels so much like and endlessly suffocating loop of pain. And you are doing it alone. 


That isolation from friends and fam feels so much like being in a row boat on the ocean without ores. Looking at a warm sandy beach and wondering how the shucks you can reach the shore. Even considering swimming may feel like you are doing that with a back pack of bricks. 


I get you. In fact dare i say we all get you. Though we all grieve differently those of us on our grief journey and doing our grief work have been there felt that. (You have started that work and journey it is important and needs to be done.) And there my friend is a bit of a first step to move yourself forward. 


Sharing as you have done here and now. Do not stop sharing. The words we say out loud & share takes the puzzle of our feelings and offers a narrative for us to see and others to see. It gives us a place to find our words, see them, and let others see us. 


Let me shout out to a couple of things you said. School is hard but you are doing it for you and the kids. Hard and painful yet a pin drop in your map out of this quicksand of hurt. 


I feel with Donna and her death there will no closure. It is unfair for me to do that to Donna. Closure is indifference Closure is denial said pretty. I have learned to walk with my grief and anger like a shadow following me. That shadow helps me see me see the light I can gain from Donna’s memory and mine. But again that is me. 


Another thing is sharing with others. Being in a grief community with those who get it and can share with you. Here are some places to start if I may share. They’ve helped me. Surely others will share. VH is a brilliant wonderful perfect place. It was my first stop on my journey. I never get bored with what they have for resources and the community. 


Hot Young Widows Club is a great place to join. Here are the resources they have So many. I’ve used many of them and they are great. I’ve met Nora McInerny and here TEDTalk was brilliant and help me so much. Just the single most powerful grief voice in the universe. 





Another site I use and have shared on is Salt Water I know Margo Fowles who started and I've written for the site. She is amazing https://findyourharbor.com 


You are the most important person you speak to everyday. What you tell yourself about you and who you are is critically important. That voice you speak is worthy to be shared. We got you 100%



When we accept that we are worthy of better letting go of that which hinders and thwarts our drive to be worthy of better can be a brilliant and meaningful choice you made for you.

Peace out And keep sharing 
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Reply by eKIM
20 Oct 2021, 12:12 AM

Hello McRalph

MARK99 pretty much said it all. He has good advice. 

I believe that every emotion that you are feeling is OK, in as much as 

  1. You should feel free to express them.  Holding them in causes so much stress.

  2. Nobody should criticize or judge you for expressing  your feelings

Not having "walked in your shoes", I don't really know what else to say.

Perhaps the best thing I can say is "Keep on talking" to us here at V.H., or any other compassionate person that you have, or find.

As far as resources, this is a good place to start:  The Six Needs of Mourning by Dr. Alan Wolfelt  

It can act as a roadmap and help you measure your progress over time.  It is simply the difference between being on a path as opposed to being in a maze.


When I am speaking with people who have strong, unresolved emotions, I recommend that they speak with a professional grief counsellor - or perhaps a Group Grief and Bereavement program. Because of covid, these are usually done by phone or Zoom, Facetime etc.   

Have you done so, McRalph? 

At the hospice where I volunteer, we provide this service (among many other programs) at no cost.  You might want to check in your area for something similar.

Your journey of healing will be easier if you find someone to help you.

I send you thoughts of peace and lovingkindness.

- eKim
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Reply by Pammie
20 Oct 2021, 2:11 AM

Oh, dear McRalph, This is Pammie. We have spoken before, so we do have a little thread of connectivity here as we communicated  a few times. I remember you and  I hear you. Your pain is palpble, I can almost feel it. And I wanted to respond. It sounds like you need some help at a physical level, a real warm tight comforting hug instead of just virtual ones in electronic text. This isn't me, at least not all of me, yet my words will lead in a real way to the hugs, the skills, the finacial wherewithal you want and need. Take them from me, dear McRalph and use them as I intended them to be used by you. 

You need  to start having some obviously caring people in your life, people to be supportive friends, relatives who care, money with which you can purchase the essential necessities, food, recreation, skilled services, new job skills..... You need so much now because you have been without for so long! Too long, dear one. 

So if I  may make a suggestion: Push yourself to find a  counselor, a social worker, a hospice worker,  a community care worker, a church pastor, the hospital social worker,  a volunteer, a family dr if you dont know how to access any of the others. Just start somewhere!  Somewhere,  your self.  (Just make sure you find safe and legit people!!!)  And let them know  that you want to help yourself in this strange new world in which you find yourself. I'm looking at what "Wellness Together Canada" offers on line right now. 

So get someone to help you make a list of what you need or want, pretty much like the one you wrote here. And do check in here as well. You'll find good caring people who also know the pain and anger you are in now.

 Keep in touch! 


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Reply by McRalph
20 Oct 2021, 2:33 AM

Hello everyone,
thank you for your kind words and support.  It means so much to me.  I wrote this post over a week ago so I have had some time to calm down and regroup.  I still feel this way but it's less intense.

I have a therapist but she costs $180 an hour so thankfully I reached out to my sister and she is going to pay for it for now.  My benefits have run out.  

nothing has really changed but I joined a grief group online and I got together with some other widows on Sunday.  I am not alone in my feelings and that brings me some form of comfort.  

I am so frustrated with the lack of help.  I shouldn't have to rely on my family for financial support when my husband left us enough money to take care of us.  He died without a Will so it's tied up in the court system.  My lawyer is just dragging his feet.  I don't have the strength or time to start over with a new lawyer.  I wrote him yesterday demanding answers.  No response.  

I just want to live my life already.  Move forward.  My kids mean everything to me and it doesn't do them well to have a stressed out mom.  
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