- Occurrences trouvées dans: À la une
... illness, palliative care, ask a professional, questions and answers, your stories, Canadian Virtual Hospice, support, end-of-life care, bereavement, grief, loss
... care providers, volunteers, researchers and educators say about their experience with Canadian Virtual Hospice.
Canadian Virtual Hospice, terminal illness, palliative care, death, dying, grief, bereavement, loss, resources
Virtual Hospice Applauds $27M Federal Investments in Elder and Palliative Care
Canadian Virtual Hospice, palliative care, end-of-life care, loss, bereavement, grief, clinical tool, tool for practice
https: //www. virtualhospice. ca/learninghub
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Sujets
Physical distancing and dying: When you can’t be at the bedside topics article on the Canadian Virtual Hospice.
... illness, quality of life, end-of-life, end-of-life care, comfort care, hospice, canadian, virtual
... illness, quality of life, end-of-life, end-of-life care, comfort care, hospice, canadian, virtual
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Questions-réponses
Question about how much pain control a person can have in a hospice, with an answer from the Virtual Hospice clinical team.