- Occurrences trouvées dans: Cours et conférences
... Courses address a wide range of topics such as providing care to complex families, pediatrics, spirituality, etc. Visit website for further information re course offerings.
... will be covered such as bio-ethical considerations, communication, decision-making, team dynamics, spirituality, and assessment/management of symptoms. Sickkids staff are encouraged to make use of the...
... and introduction to complementary therapies; self-care for caregivers; family dynamics; and spirituality and suffering. Classes will be held in CNIB Bldg, 303 York St, Sudbury, Ontario. Free registration...
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Boîte à outils
Ressources en ligne Clinical Tool Spirituality and Medical Practice: Using the HOPE Questions as a Practical Tool for Spiritual Assessment The HOPE questions described in this article provide a guide...
Ressources en ligne Web Site The George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health GWish is an American organization focusing on education and clinical issues related to spirituality and health.
chaplains, spirituality, spiritual care providers, e-newsletter
Knowing What To Say--- " Speaking With Patients About Spirituality & Exploring Verbal Responses to Spiritual Pain" is an educational lecture by Oceanna Hall, BSc, MDiv, MEd, CPE Specialist,...
This strategic plan is in response to the growing awareness that spirituality, or the way a person searches for and finds meaning is part of human wellness. The plan identifies ways in which spiritual...
Spirituality, religious beliefs,
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Ressources
holidays, celebrations, family, spirituality