- Occurrences trouvées dans: À la une
... partners, palliative care, end-of-life care, WRHA, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, CPAC, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, CancerCare Manitoba
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Cours et conférences
... of Family Physicians of Canada, Pallium Canada and deSouza Institute. Funding was provided by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer.
... College of Family Physicians of Canada, Pallium Canada and de Souza Institute with funding by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section1) as...
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Boîte à outils
This guideline was developed through a collaborative partnership between the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO). The guideline provides interventions...
... cancer control resourcesfor health care professionals. In a collaborative effort, NCI and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) have expanded the Cancer Control P. L. A. N. E. T.
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Ressources
... and remote areas. It is also an education tool for health providers. Funding was provided by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer.
... Canada has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada, through the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer.
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Education Subcommittee conducted a national scan regarding Canadian psychosocial oncology educational opportunities; the findings are compiled in a new Psychosocial...
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer hosted a National Forum on First Nations, Inuit and Métis cancer control. The report contains recommendations which will guide future developments of the Partnership’s...