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29 sept. 2020, 13 h 14

Hello Mirkle,
I am glad you and your husband have found the cannabis oil treatment so helpful.

I needed to remove identifying information as well as links to commercial outlets according to our Discussion Guidelines  

It's been a few years since you started this thread JennJilks - any updates from you would be helpful too.

Réponse de kimimiel
08 oct. 2020, 14 h 21

I heard medical cannabis can help with this disorder.
Réponse de TrevorL
10 oct. 2020, 16 h 26

Hello JennJilks,

I am glad that the marijuana has provided some relief from your symptoms that you posted this some time ago. Like Katherine, I too am curious how your depression and anxiety has been since your last post?

Kind regards,


Réponse de kimimiel
11 oct. 2020, 13 h 17

Hmm. That is why I researched some information about this question and found this blog (content removed - please see Discussion Forum Guidelines
Réponse de HelvertPuls
07 mars 2022, 10 h 41

By the way, I want to say that I also had health problems that I could not solve for a long time. At the moment I feel better thanks to the tea I ordered on this site {name removed by moderator} and I am very satisfied with him. I started to gain strength after I started drinking it, and now my body is in good shape.
Réponse de Adriaticos
07 mars 2022, 11 h 43

Strictly speaking, medical cannabis is cannabis cones or concentrates or synthetic cannabinoids that help with many ailments. In particular, medical marijuana has proven analgesic, anticonvulsant, and anti-spastic effects.
07 mars 2022, 14 h 53

Helvertpuls to let you know we are not able to accept 'advertising' on this site. Please see Discussion Guidelines.  

Kind regards,Katherine (moderator)
Réponse de HelvertPuls
08 mars 2022, 20 h 05

I'd like to join here because this talk seems to me quite close. You know, I recently heard that CBD helps to fall asleep. Since I am regularly tormented by insomnia, I decided to order it on these {removed by moderator}. Surprisingly, it helped me almost get rid of insomnia! I recommend you to try it because it will help you to improve health.

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