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Réponse de pollyanna
08 juin 2013, 3 h 03

Hi, things are alright. No, hubby is still really confused but he is eating better and sleeping  a little less(thanks to the steroid-Decadron). I have been giving him baths because he doesn't seem to want to shower any longer but it is hard for him to get out of the tub. Daily routines are gone now. He had his MRI yesterday and this coming Monday we see the oncologist. I hate those visits cause we have never got any good news, so it ends up being such a downer!
I am waiting for a call from palliative, hospice said it could take 2 weeks before I get a call. 
 I am hoping your hubby can make it to your son's grad, it would be aawesome for your whole family. It's brutal when they get sick, they have so little to fight with. I pray he can continue with his treatment. My hubby couldn't because the IV chemo cause a bleed in his brain, so his is all done now.
Your hubby is really putting up a fight if they only gave him 3 months last Jan. They gave my hubby 14 months and he just got to that mark( I never told him that but the surgeon told me that after the results of his biopsy came back). It sure is hard to see them suffer, to see them so weak and frail  as you say it is very sad. It break my heart :(
I hope your hubby gets good results from his CT scan and he gets over his cold really soon.
You hang in there! Are you doing something for yourself? It's hard to do but we must so make sure you are, okay?
Take care, it's bath time LOL
Hang in there too, Pauline
Réponse de pollyanna
11 juin 2013, 5 h 34

got bad news today, hubby's MRI results were not good and the dr told me that in his experience with where the cancer is at this stage that my hubby has about 1 month :(
Must try and get some sleep tonight because I feel exhausted physically and mentally.
Réponse de marstin
11 juin 2013, 5 h 46

Sending hugs to you tonight pollyanna and a wish that you have a good sleep filled with sweet dreams.

Réponse de NatR
11 juin 2013, 13 h 47

Dear Pollyanna

i am so sorry to hear your sad news
it is a shock, you do need to rest and keep going - but please keep reaching out, keep talking and sharing - it's a small thing but it does ease the pressure - you are not so alone then,
sending you a big hug today
Réponse de Tian
11 juin 2013, 16 h 07

Dear Pollyanna

Reality cannot be avoided. The grind for you may well get worse. I would be surprised if you managed to get a good sleep last night. If you didn't then you'll just have to try again tonight. Nevertheless I think you are doing a wonderful job of coping because you realize what you need to do for your husband and you. Please keep us informed when you are able to.

Réponse de claudia c
11 juin 2013, 16 h 56

Dear Ladies,
I've been following your encouraging and supportive letters to each other and know how much comfort sharing your news is - even when it's not such good news. 
You are daily in my prayers.
Hugs to you!
Réponse de pollyanna
12 juin 2013, 5 h 24

Hubby had a seizure at 5 am today. The first one I have ever witnessed, very scary. Spent the better part of the day in emergency, came home with anti seizure meds so hopefully it doesn't happen again. He bit his tongue so that is sore and meds are making him a bit groggy.
I thought he was going to die. I was alone with his mom when she died last September 2012 and there were so many similarities. He was so gone but about one hour after his brain rebooted and then after he was able to recognize us again.
Thanks for all your support :)
27 juin 2013, 18 h 13

Hi Sickness and Pollyanna,

Just a quick note to let you both know that you're in our thoughts. We're here when you need us.

To everyone:
A new member joined our community. Will you join me in welcoming Cyncan. She started this thread:
21 août 2013, 2 h 26

Hi Sickness,

It has been a while since we've heard from you, except your lovely message to Pollyanna of course. How are you doing? 

Don't feel obliged to answer. I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and that we're all here if you need someone to talk to.

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