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Réponse de Cath1
18 juin 2012, 3 h 26

Hi Dianne:

I am sending you virtual hugs as you and your family grieve Doug's passing. Doug touched a lot of people in his life while helping us all talk about and understand more about dying and how it feels to confront one's own ending.

Thank you for posting here to let us know about the City TV interview you did with Avery Haines. Sadly, in my family there was an unexpected death last week. I didn't see your interview until Colleen posted the link. Doug spoke so honestly about facing his own death, and in your interview, you expressed with the same uncommon courage and vulnerability how your sorrow feels.

I know you feel great pride in Doug and I hope you will extend it to yourself and your family for sharing publically a very private and painful experience that gives so many people comfort, courage and hope.

With gratitude for Doug and you, Dianne and your family - You are all in my prayers.

-hugs- xo
Réponse de eKIM
06 déc. 2021, 14 h 14

Hello Dianne

I don't know if you will see this, but I hope my words find you.

I am in my 12 year now as a hospice volunteer - 3 different ones, actually.

I have often said that if in all that time, I only helped one person, then the entire effort would have been more than worthwhile.

Each person is special, precious, and loveable.  Sometimes, they just need reminding.  We can all do that.

Recently I thought, "Of the thousands of people that I have met through hospice, there must be a "Top 100" who made an extraordinary impact upon me?  Is there a "Top 10"?  If such a thing exists, then surely you and Doug are on that list, Dianne.

Being far into my "Golden Years", it is most likely that I will "see" Doug before you.  I know that I will be welcomed by Doug with open arms as he says, "I love you, Michael for being there for my sweetie Dianne, when I couldn't be.  Welcome home."

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