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Parlons-en: La planification préalable des soins La campagne « Parlons-en » vise à amorcer une discussion nationale sur la planification préalable des soins de fin de vie...
Pauktuutit's Cancer Glossary Glossary containing 250 terms translated into 5 Inuktitut dialects, including the new single word to accurately describe...
Positive Communication- The Open Dementia Programme These 20-30 minute modules of the Open Dementia e-Learning Programme are designed for anyone who has contact with someone...
Preparing Children for Funeral and Memorials Family rituals following a death are significant events in an individual’s life, and children are no exception. Families...
Prostate Cancer Canada: Advanced Care Planning Tools Prostate Cancer Canada is a national foundation which offers information and resources to men who are living with prostate...
Record Me Now Free app to use with your own computer or webcam to record your own messages for family and friends. Includes key questions...
The role of social workers in palliative, end of life and bereavement care This resource aims to ensure that people benefit from good social work at the end of their life, and that those close to...
Speak Up: First Nations ACP Resources Advance care planning is a key process for supporting First Nations people to receive palliative and end-of-life care at...
Talking With Your Doctor: A Guide for Older People The American National Institute on Aging has produced this helpful guide to help you to improve your communication with your...
Telling Kids About Cancer A website to support parents.
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