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10 mythes entourant les soins palliatifs - Infographie Infographie consacrée à 10 mythes répandus à propos des soins palliatifs. Aussi disponible en anglais, en arabe, en catalan,...
2SLGBTQ+: Proud, Prepared, and Protected A collection of online resources to assist people who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ to access and receive inclusive, respectful care.
Advance Care Planning Workbook National online interactive workbook that allows you to work through the steps of planning for your future health care. Available...
Advance Care Planning: Resource for Patients A resource for patients on talking about advance care planning with the health care team and documenting your plan.
Am I Safe: Supporting conversations about patient safety in the home Providing safe health care in an unpredictable home setting poses unique challenges.   This document discusses considerations...
BC Cancer - Serious illness conversation guide A conversation guide for healthcare professionals when communicating with their patients about serious illness.
Camp Erin: Bereavement Program for Youth Camp Erin is a bereavement program for youth grieving the death of a significant person in their lives. Children and teens...
Care at the end of life for advanced cancer patients: When to stop cancer treatment Information sheet on how do you know when to stop cancer treatment and questions to ask your doctor.
The Conversation Project (US) Dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care with families and health care providers.
Dignity in Care Dignity in Care provides practical ideas and tools to support a culture of compassion and respect throughout the health care...
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