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Aidants naturels et prestation de soins
Caring Bridge CaringBridge provides free websites that connect people experiencing a significant health challenge to family and friends,...
Caring for someone with a terminal illness: caring for the caregiver This brochure was created by Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities Centre for Education and Research on...
Caring for someone with a terminal illness: what to expect This brochure was created by Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities Centre for Education and Research on...
Caring for Your Parents Caring for Your Parents is a US website (© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation) which contains a wealth of online resources...
Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation MISSION: To create victories for Canadian children with cancer through investment in national, collaborative, lifesaving...
A Comprehensive Guide for Parkinson's Caregivers This booklet is for those who care for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) recognizes...
Courageous Parents Network A website which provides parents and families of children living with serious illness with expert guidance and a virtual...
Dementia and Oral Health: How to Help Sufferers Care for Their Teeth Carefree Dental is a website that provides specific dental and oral health information for all individuals. This specific...
Dementia Gateway: SCIE Dementia web resource SCIE is an independent charity, funded by the Department of Health and the devolved administrations in Wales and Northern...
Dental Recipes Simple recipes for mouth care solutions that you can make when providing care at home.
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