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Directives de soins de santé / La prise de décisions
Québec - Projet de loi n°52 : Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie Loi québécoise concernant les soins de fin de vie, Projet de loi n°52 : Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie. Adoptée par...
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region-Advance Care Planning This website provides information on Advance Care Planning in Saskatchewan.
Resource Guide: Hospice Palliative Care in the Bow Valley We recognize that many people in our rural Bow Valley Communities need information on hospice palliative care and how to...
Speak Up: First Nations ACP Resources Advance care planning is a key process for supporting First Nations people to receive palliative and end-of-life care at...
Talking With Your Doctor: A Guide for Older People The American National Institute on Aging has produced this helpful guide to help you to improve your communication with your...
Tube Feed or Not To Tube Feed? This evidenced-based fast fact sheet written by Dr J. Hallenbeck and Dr D. Weissman provides a brief outline of what is known...
The Use of Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation for Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Decision Aid for Patients This booklet gives easy to understand information about the risks and benefits of mechanical ventilation to assist patients...
Voicing My Choices A planning guide for children, adolescents and young adults living with a serious illness to communicate their health care...
What to Expect: Making Decisions and Plans Developed for First Nations, Inuit and Metis people, this pamphlet addresses the kinds of decisions a patient might need...
What's right for YOU at the end of life? In this 4 minute video, Dr Daren Heyland, Intensive Care Unit Specialist addresses the importance of advance care planning...
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