Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Breaking the Silence on Cancer and Sexuality: A Handbook for Health Care Professionals This book is written for health care providers of all kinds – nurses, oncologists, social workers, physiotherapists – to...
Cancer and LGBTQ Communities Evidence based information for health care providers on cancer and LGBTQ communities
Perspectives on the Final Stages of Life from LGBT Elders Living in Ontario This report details the findings of a research project that investigated the health care experiences, barriers and needs...
Sexuality and Aging: Clinical Perspectives An overview of sexuality among middle-aged and older adults including historical approaches and current research.
Sexuality and Long Term Care: Understanding and Supporting the Needs of Older Adult The first book to take a person-centered approach to resident sexuality in long-term care that addresses how long-term care...
Sexuality Assessment for Older Adults Nurses are in an ideal position to assess these normal aging changes, as well as disabling medical conditions and medications,...
Staying Out of the Closet: LGBT Older Adults’ Hopes and Fears in Considering End-of-Life The purpose of this study was to begin to fill the gaps in current research on LGBT aging and end-of-life in Canada. Through...
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People with Cancer With a focus on cancer, this document uses case study examples from the perspective of an LGBT person, to highlight some...
Symptom Management Guideline: Intimacy and Sexuality This clinical practice guideline discusses contributing factors, consequences, assessment and management of concerns for...
Talking about sex, sexuality and relationships: guidance and standards Developed in partnership by Together for Short Lives and the Open University Sexuality Alliance, ‘Talking about sex, sexuality...
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