Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Soins Palliatifs
Getting an Education in Palliative Care Article based on interviews with Dr James Downar, Dr. Jose Peirara and Dr Erin O'Connor as part of a campaign by the College...
Global Atlas of Palliative Care at the End of Life There is increased awareness of the need for palliative care for chronic diseases. However, there remains a huge unmet need...
A Good Death The online series A Good Death explores what makes a good end-of-life journey, how attitudes and practices are evolving,...
Guide d'information du consommateur sur les services funéraires, d’enterrement, de crémation et de transfert L’Autorité des services funéraires et cimetières de l’Ontario, au nom du ministère des Services gouvernementaux et des Services...
Guidelines for Spiritual Care Practitioners and Psycho-Spiritual Therapists in Responding to Inquiries Regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) This document will help the reader (1) understand the position of Canadian Association for Spirirtual Care (CASC) on how...
Hospice and Palliative Medicine Questions This video series, Hospice and Palliative Medicine Questions (HPMQ), answers tough questions you may come across while caring...
Hospice Enabled Dementia Care: The first steps A guide to help hospices establish care for people with dementia, their families and carers.
I Don’t Want Jenny To Think I’m Abandoning Her: Views On Overtreatment A palliative care physician helps a cancer patient cope with her coming death, while her oncologist struggles to give up...
Insights on Death & Dying This book brings together the most popular and thought-provoking Insights on Death & Dying columns written by internationally...
QELCCC - Plan d’action 2020-2025 Coalition pour des soins de fin de vie de qualité du Canada (mars 2020). Plan d’action 2020-2025 : Rapport d’étape. Ce rapport...
QELCCC - Plan d’action 2020-2025 Coalition pour des soins de fin de vie de qualité du Canada (mars 2020). Plan d’action 2020-2025 : Rapport d’étape. Ce rapport...
QELCCC - Plan d’action 2020-2025 Coalition pour des soins de fin de vie de qualité du Canada (mars 2020). Plan d’action 2020-2025 : Rapport d’étape. Ce rapport...
Registre Canadien de Deuil Aider à arrêter le courrier direct indésirable et les appels téléphoniques au défunt. En moyenne, une personne décédée continuera...
A Resource Guide for Community Development of Palliative and End-of-Life Care within Alberta Communities across Alberta are seeking information about developing local Palliative and End-of-Life Care (PEOLC) community...
Resource Guide: Hospice Palliative Care in the Bow Valley We recognize that many people in our rural Bow Valley Communities need information on hospice palliative care and how to...
Serious Illness Care Program: Reference Guide for Clinicians We know that individuals who have conversations with their clinicians about their values, goals and wishes are more likely...
Shift your care to a palliative approach (infographic) Not all patients will require care provided by specialized palliative programs but they can still benefit from a palliative...
Sondage National sur la Médecine Palliative Rapport de Données Le rapport sur les données présente des résultats détaillés pour toutes les questions du sondage. Les chercheurs, les stratèges...
Stay, Breathe with Me: The Gift of Compassionate Medicine This book presents serious illness as a drama of body, mind, and soul. In this drama symptoms and suffering cannot be separated...
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