Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

2SLGBTQ+: Proud, Prepared, and Protected A collection of online resources to assist people who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ to access and receive inclusive, respectful care.
Aboriginal (Canada) Palliative Care - Communication within the Family Video, produced by the Pallium Project and available free-of-charge online, is intended to promote reflection and discussion...
African American Outreach Guide Free online outreach guides for health care providers to enhance access and palliative care in these diverse communities.
Aide médicale à mourir (AMM) en Ontario Le ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée (MSSLD) de l’Ontario a engagé le Centre for Effective Practice (CEP)...
Am I Safe: Supporting conversations about patient safety in the home Providing safe health care in an unpredictable home setting poses unique challenges.   This document discusses considerations...
Being Mortal Gawande presents a detailed, but highly readable history of how the meaning of death has changed over the past fifty or sixty...
Being Present : A Nurse's Resource for End-of-Life Communication This E-book, based on nursing research, offer strategies to help nurses talk with patients and families about their needs,...
Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death Using a Buddhist approach to death, the author affirms that we can open and contact our inner strength, and that we can help...
The Best Care Possible - A Physician's Quest to Transform Care Through the End of Life Dr. Ira Byock, one of the foremost palliative-care physicians in the United States iluminates one of the most important and...
Butterfly Indicator Module A method for quick and effective communication regarding the death of a resident. Utilizing the butterfly indicator is an...
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