Thank you KathCull No I don't have anyone to help with the everyday stuff but we are now on the Pallitive Care team and yes a nurse has come for the initial visit and she will be following up throughout the rest of his illness. She did give me a number to call even in the night if I need it. The whole family will get the emotional help etc I need.
My husband and I both go to all the appointments together and we always write questions out in "our question book" to bring up at the appointments. But sometimes there are huge gaps between the specialist appointments so our questions don't get answered. The nurse will increase visits as needed along the way. JennJinks my husband is making the best descisions he can with the information he is given but the Drs aren't listening to concerns when things have changed. I have read all the information they have given me even about the choices he makes and I agree he has the right to them. There is so much more than I can convey about the situation but we both feel better that we can ask more openly with the palliative Care people that have just come on board. It has only been a week and so far we both feel a weight off of us. My husband even asked them if there is help for me in coping with this. So time will tell. They did get me here to this sight so it is a new step. Thank you for caring and sharing. It is more helpful than you know. Take Care