I thought I would update everyone on what has been going on. My husband, father, brother and sister have all been helping each other. It has been rough on all of us, as we also just lost my paternal grandfather to Cancer on Jan 1, 2013. My mom passed away 18 Jan 13. We were all with her at the end, my maternal grandmother and aunt had just flown in to be with us 15 Jan 13. We took turns being at the hospital with her, so that someone was always with her in the last week.
We made sure she had pain meds when it seemed she needed them, and kept her mouth and lips moistened. It was hard to see this strong, brave women go so fast, as she only went into the hospital 11 Dec 2012. We are taking it hard as she went so fast, and only 9 days before she passed she was still awake and lucid. It was heartbreaking to see my father breakdown in the room as she passed away. I have never saw my father cry. We are keeping ourselves going by constantly repeating, "She is not in pain now." It just all happenned so fast, one day she appeared fine, the next thing we know she is in the hospital fighting for her life.