Hospice Halifax

Adresse 618 Francklyn Street
Ville Halifax
Province / Territoire / État Nouvelle-Écosse
Code postal / Code postal américain B3H 3B4
Pays Canada
Téléphone 902-446-0929
Adresse courriel info@hospicehalifax.ca
Url http://www.hospicehalifax.ca
Hospice Halifax is a 10-bed hospice residence for patients from Nova Scotia.  It is a home-like option for patients with end-of-life care needs that can’t be met at home and who don’t require admission to an acute care facility. 
In addition to the residence, Hospice Halifax offers 3 programs that are open to all residents of Nova Scotia, who are over the age of 18 and who have experienced a loss through death. 
1) Virtual Bereavement Support Program. It is a peer-based, facilitator guided support group. It runs every Saturday from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. 
2) The Walk and Talk Grief Group meets in person at Hospice Halifax on Tuesdays from 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm, starting October 13th, 2020 and running until the weather is no longer favourable. 
3) One-on-One Grief Counselling is free and available for up to 4 free sessions via phone or video.

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