Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Aboriginal (Canada) Palliative Care - Communication within the Family Video, produced by the Pallium Project and available free-of-charge online, is intended to promote reflection and discussion...
Aboriginal Relationship and Cultural Competency Courses This free online course was designed by Cancer Care Ontario for healthcare providers to enhance knowledge of First Nations,...
ACSP Centre de ressources communes en santé autochtone Le Centre de ressources communes en santé autochtone a été conçu dans le but de regrouper de la documentation variée concernant...
Advanced Care Planning This brochure was prepared by the Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities research project and intended to...
Canada’s most Vulnerable: Improving health care for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis seniors This report highlights some of the challenges and disparities in health care for Aboriginal communities and more specifically...
Cancer Word Book with Severn Ojibwe (Oji-Cree) Equivalents Produced to promote communication when caring for First Nations people who speak Oji-Cree.
Caring for someone with a terminal illness: caring for the caregiver This brochure was created by Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities Centre for Education and Research on...
Caring for someone with a terminal illness: what to expect This brochure was created by Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities Centre for Education and Research on...
Chronic Diseases in Canada Open access to health evidence journals by Public Health Agency of Canada, this edition (31(1)  December 2010 is a co-publication of 'Chronic...
Completing the Circle This website created by First Nations University, Saskatchewan, provides information and resources on culturally sensitive...
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