- Results found in: Courses & Conferences
This is the premier educational event for cancer nurses. In 2012 it will be held in Prague. See website for further information or contact ISNCC head office in Vancouver, Canada at phone number above.
... RN, Jan Thompson, SW, Agnes Bergman, parent, Heather Neilson-Clayton, SW, and Susan Abbott, RN. For more info and/orregistraton, contact Jessica Wyatt.
Please join us as we discuss the medical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects of caring for people in developing countries.
... and healing exercises which can be incorporated in everyday life. This program is appropriate for all ages, types and stages of cancer, and fitness levels. Join us LIVE on Saturdays, March 24-May 12 from...
Centre for education and Research on Aging & Health (CERAH)
One-day workshop open to WRHA staff to aid in caring for Aboriginal patients and families.
Annual hospice palliative care conference registration now open. Please visit website for more information and to register online.
... and Mary Lou Kelley, PhD 10: 30-12: 00 noon 2) Bridging the Aboriginal Community/ResearcherDivide: Forging a Mutually Beneficial Relationship by Dr Peggy Smith, Faculty of Natural Resources Mgt, and Carol...
... nurses across Canada. It ishostingthe 16thconference: To Live is to Age - Raising the Bar for Excellence. For more information about conference, please visit ourwebsite or call.
... reduce suffering and distress --- dignity-conserving care. Presented by Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov. For further information and to register contact Mary or Christine at 677-0077 by March 18, 2011.