- Results found in: Features
Meet the Canadian Virtual Hospice Peer Review Committee. They are palliative care researchers, educators and administrators from across Canada.
Canadian Virtual Hospice has a glossary of the medical and legal terms used in palliative care. Glossary words are marked on the site and show definitions when you mouse over them.
Volunteers are vital members of the palliative care team. The Canadian Virtual Hospice recognizes that palliative care volunteers spend their time supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our...
Canadian Virtual Hospice, terminal illness, palliative care, death, dying, grief, bereavement, loss, resources
Canadian Virtual Hospice, hospice, palliative care, bereavement, grief, loss, death, dying, hospice palliative care course, hospice palliative care conference
... assessed by a national peer review committee , made up of respected palliative care experts. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research have endorsed The Exchange as a knowledge translation activity for...
- Results found in: Topics
By: The Canadian Virtual Hospice Team Consider the following Take only the amount of medication that has been prescribed. If you have concerns about the medication or its dosage, talk with your healthcare...
By: The Canadian Virtual Hospice Team What is constipation? On average, people have a bowel movement once or twice a day, but some go more or less often. Most people have at least one bowel movement...
By: The Canadian Virtual Hospice Team What is loss of appetite and loss of weight? When someone is living with a serious illness that can’ t be cured, they will typically experience an ongoing...
By: The Canadian Virtual Hospice Team What is dehydration? Our bodies need an appropriate amount of fluid to function properly. When we don' t have enough fluids in our bodies, we’ re dehydrated.