... fears; to provide information as needed; to discuss treatment options and involve the patient in decisions regarding his or her care; and to offer emotional support. Other resources that you may find...
... admirable, but her refusal to talk openly about the real possibility of death and to make decisions accordingly can be very difficult for her health care providers and her family. It is important to realize...
... beliefs and wishes (either to feel at peace with the relationship or to feel confident in making decisions that respect the patient’s wishes). Other family members may not be prepared to talk about a...
... all learn from each other’s experience. Always remind yourself that the focus of discussions and decisions should be based on what the patient and family desire and what is in their best interests. Here...
... was sickness, hospitals and me be a caregiver... to the man I love waste away. I had to make those decisions that no one wants to make and it is still breaking my heart, but one thing I know is that hospice...
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