- Results found in: Courses & Conferences
... in Acapulco, Mexico in June 2009. By “ Sharing Knowledge With All Cultures” you will form part of a brotherhood of people around the world who are committed to the relief of pain in childhood,...
October 22, 2009 Fee: $100. 00 before October 1, 2009 $125. 00 after October 1, 2009 Cheques payable to the Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultation Service Call for a brochure: 1-905-721-4703...
Mount Ida College - National Center for Death Education (NCDE)
This program is intended for health care professionals working and providing hospice palliative care. By attending, you will have the opportunity to: learn more about assessing and managing physical,...
... in time. Geriatric care experts will gather to discusskey issuesand multidisciplinary strategies for helping patients with advanced illnesses.
... BC from June 11th to 13th, 2009. The theme of the summit will be: " Innovative Solutions for Rural and Remote Cancer Control Issues: Today and Tomorrow". The goal of the summit will be to provide...
... year's one-day annual palliative careconferenceis Vincent MacDonald, MSW, CT, Grief Counsellor. For more information or registration, contact Brenda Haslam at 1-506-452-5240 or Brenda. haslamlayden@rvh. nb. ca...
The Hospital for Sick Children
Organized for social workers, counsellors, health care professionals, spiritual care providers and volunteers. Cost: $50. (3 AWSB Continuing Competency Category A Credits)
Provides an advanced introduction to social research methods relevant to end of life care. For 2011 the course runs for either one week or two (the first week consists of lectures and workshops while...