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Reply by Korie1971
30 Mar 2024, 11:08 PM

Good afternoon
,  I haven't been around  much lately,  one hour  blurs into the next and suddenly I'm laying in bed thinking of the thi gs I meant to do amd didn't get to. Please know I am thinking about you all even if I don't find time to message. Michael, thank you, I did have to do just what you said, tell things over and over until the light bulb moment happens. I forgot what I was doing, but I know I was driving somewhere when I suddenly thought. I need to take time from my job,but why don't I just become casual until, well until something else occurs. 

Work sent me an email, last Sunday of all times, and told me that because I chose not to jump through their hoops and provide them with much more info than I was comfortable giving them, they were recinding my working g nights only. So I spent all week deciding what to do. I have applied for 2 other, non health authority jobs, one as a librarian which is only 12 hours a week and another as a group home operator. The interview went alight for the library,  but the group home, hasn't made a decision,  and the application only closed yesterday. 

I think between working casual and doing one or maybe 2 other jobs I can keep things afloat here for a while. 12 hours, day or night is just too much to be gone and too long to expect my kids to help with. 

The oxygen person came Thursday,  he just nodded when I told him that he has been experiencing a cough now and again as of late, nothing really coming out but the nod was like a...oh I was expecting that to come sort of thing.  My husband said, oh if I could just get to a drier climate, I would be better. The oxygen guy, whose name is Scott, just shook his head slowly and said....ugh no, it doesn't work like that. I've been saying that for weeks, but 
 He needed to hear it from someone else, and Scott is a respiratory therapist.  

So it's Saturday now, Happy Easter 

Until next time

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Reply by eKIM
31 Mar 2024, 12:23 AM

Hi Korie

Don’t apologize for not messaging.  Your life is very busy now and taking care of things (and especially yourself) is most important.

Message us only if you want to and have the time to.  Remember, this is ALL ABOUT YOU.  We are here at your service, happily.

Your job situation seems complicated, yet I sense that it will soon resolve itself totally in your favour and the relief that it will bring you will be so good for you.

Remember, if neither of these two jobs pan out, don’t get discouraged.  There are others out there.  You will find the right one.

I have a suggestion for you:

When you lay your head down at night, (or anytime that you feel stressed) cross your arms over your chest and put the palms of your hands, on your opposite shoulders – like you are hugging yourself. 

Think of all the people that love you.  Wrap yourself in the love that everyone has for you.  Silently remind yourself what a wonderful person you are. 

Let this love strengthen you, guide you and sustain you.  You are so deserving, Korie. 

Every time you feel your peace slip away, repeat the above exercise.

By the way, this is a meditation exercise that I do regularly.  It works so nicely for me.  Let me know if you find it beneficial as well.

Peace be with you and for always. 

-         Michael

ps  Are you a person of faith, Korie?  If so does your faith help to sustain you during these difficult times?

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Reply by eKIM
06 Apr 2024, 2:18 PM

Hi Korie

Just checking in to see how you're doing.  No need to write back if you are too busy.  Just know that C.V.H. is here for you, today or 10 years from now.  Sending you positive vibes and thoughts of peace.
- Michael

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Reply by Korie1971
13 Apr 2024, 4:20 AM

It's been a while. A whirlwind of things have happened, so much that I needed to read back to see what I had told you last. It seems much longer than a week. 
Hubby's sleep has decreased if that's possible.  About an hour at a time the last few nights, He can't get up so he wakes me to help  get whatever he needs. I thought the serequel would help. But not yet, and it does take a while to build up. He needed something to help take the edge off. But the Dr decided serequel. 
Today he's spent most of the day and evening dozing. 
His appetite has decreased and its hard for him to eat much at one time because he can't stay on the oxygen prongs anymore. He spends more time using his bipap machine than anything else. 
Work has forced me to finally make a decision,  so I have applied for a smaller rotation, but it's permanent.  Giving up my full time hospital rotation will hurt, but it's time. This part time will allow me to loa it until I need it, and just puck up casual work for now. It won't be enough, but I have another part-time job I do in the summer that will help a but, as well as the footcare I do, I'll make it work. I have to. 
This is a huge learning curve for all of us, I've tried to ask what he truly wants ,  although I already know. He only wants to go to hospital if he is going to get better. I told the Dr. That this week, she just said "oh, okay" not , I'll find Jim someone to accept him today. I used to work with her, I read between the words. It is just a matter of time. No one can do this forever.  I know that...

 Thanks for listening  ❤️ 
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13 Apr 2024, 2:49 PM

Hi Korie,
Everything can change so quickly! And you are having to make so many decisions and plans - probably ones that you and Jim would have made together in the past. 

I was wondering if you had heard about the Compassionate Caregiver Benefits  I can understand the need- both financial and sometimes personal (as was the case for me) to work. This might be an option and give you some breathing room.

I realize that reading about the benefits may be hard - you have said 'no one can do this forever', but in my experience it is hard to imagine that it won't last forever/get better. 


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Reply by eKIM
13 Apr 2024, 3:26 PM

Hi Korie

Your life must be a whirlwind of activity.  I can understand how you don’t even have the time to post to our site.  That’s fine.

This site is meant for your convenience and needs.  Even if you only post once a month, we will always be here for you.  We have lots of volunteers that can help you.

It’s tough that you had to give up your permanent position, but sometimes we simply “have to do what we have to do”. 

I have the feeling, Korie, that as difficult as your situation is, you will be ok.  My wife is a very strong woman and I sense that about you as well.

The fact that you are a nurse is beneficial in caring for your husband – from a practical point of view.

However, when you said, “I read between the words”, that must be difficult for you.

How are you dealing with the stress and your emotions, Korie? 

What are the different “strengths/resources and people that are helping you?

Post back to us here whenever you need us.  We will always be here for you.

-         Michael

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Reply by eKIM
20 Apr 2024, 3:46 PM

Hi Korie

Just checking up to see how you are doing. 

I'm sure that it must be hectic and stressful for you. 

You are in our thoughts and we wish you well.

Like I've said before, if you are too busy to post here, that's ok. 

You are welcome to post here several times a day, once a month, or whenever.

I hope that you can find some peace in the midst of all this turmoil.

How are you doing as far as self-care, Korie?

If you have time, give us an update.

- Michael
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Reply by Korie1971
18 Jun 2024, 3:35 AM

I know you all have told me so many times not to be sorry that I don't write often but I really am.On the 24th of April, my husband passed away,  at home with us all.here. I thought i was so prepared yet so that is so desperately wrong.. So many things happened that day and in the end, none of it mattered. He never wanted the craziness of the hospital,  he had hated it so very much, and that day I had to sit with him amd hold his hand and tell him that going to the hospital wouldn't make a difference,  that al I could do wouldn't be enough.  That was the hardest thing I have ever told him.

There are so many things I could blame, but in the end it doesn't matter. Blame won't bring him back, nothing will. I have been left here, with my children to carry on.without him. There are good days, and bad, Today is horrible.  Today I went to the dentist.  A seemingly mundane task in itself,  I know, but in my calendar many months ago I had written,  Len and  Kori dentist. ... I've looked at it on and off.and one day I was going to sledit it, but I stopped I didn't know why, today I realize that that was the last thing he had planned. That's it...there's nothing else. Everything is complete.  

I drove today to the dentist and we talked more than anything else. These people are like our extended family, they knew us befire we had kids, I nursed everyone of them in the dentist chair. And my husband was there fir almost every appt. And when I left I realized that I will forever do this alone now. 

I know this isn't a new story to you, these are all events I know you've heard before.

Thank you for being here

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Reply by eKIM
18 Jun 2024, 9:21 PM

Hello Korie

I am so sorry that this has happened to you.  You must be so very sad.  I send you thoughts of peace and love.

Don’t feel sorry for not posting in a while.  This site is for you, Korie.  You can post your thoughts here several times a day, once a week/month/year or whenever.  

You said, “There are so many things I could blame, but in the end, it doesn't matter. Blame won't bring him back, nothing will.”  

The fact that you are not carrying unnecessary guilt/blame is a good thing.  It only delays your healing process.  Do you agree, Korie?

On those “horrible” days, try to find someone to be with you.  If other people’s schedules do not align, you can pour your heart out in writing to us here on this site.  Writing can be very therapeutic.  Do you find this to be the case for you, Korie?

You said: “today I realize that that was the last thing he had planned. That's it...there's nothing else. Everything is complete.”  Also, you said, “. And when I left I realized that I will forever do this alone now. 

A lot of people gain comfort by establishing a “metaphysical” relationship once the physical relationship is no more.  

What I mean is people “talk” to their loved one in a way that keeps them in their lives as they engage in daily activities.  This can bring a sense of peace and comfort.  Does this work for you, Korie?

Carrying on with your children without Len will be hard.  Your love will be your guide to help you on your journey of healing, Korie.

No one can prepare for the death of a loved one.  Going from “always there” to “never there” is too much of a change to process quickly.  It takes a long time to discover and accept your “new normal”.  

Most people are surrounded by loving friends and family initially, however, over time, people drift away to their “busy lives”.

And this is where (when you are ready) professional counselling might be helpful.  Either individual sessions or group sessions.  Each has its pros and cons.  Is this something that you would look into?

In addition to professional counselling, you always have us volunteers here at Canadian Virtual Hospice to “talk” to.  We are not professional grief counsellors, but we will always be here for you.
You may think that we have “heard this all before”, but we really haven’t.  No two stories are alike.  No two people process grief in the same way.  

We are not allowed to try to “fix” things or tell you what to do.  We can, however, relate stories of what has worked for us personally and other people that we know/have known.  

Sometimes having a large resource of information helps us formulate what works for us.  
Be sure to check out the grief resources here on this site.  Ask Katherine, she can show you how to access them.

Peace be with you.

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