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Reply by Korie1971
15 Mar 2024, 8:04 AM

I tried to get thru work tonight. I made 4 hours, and that was all. Just before I left, my husband said. You'll be home at 11 right? I wasn't supposed to be.  But I called in for someone to cover the last 8hrs,talked to the manager on call and worked out a way to get home at 11. Not perfect, I will have to go back to do 6am meds, but better than being away all night. I'll talk to someone in the clinic tomorrow and see if I can get a couple of weeks stress leave. That will take me to the vacation I had booked and will give me 3 weeks off I think. We'll reevaluate aylt some point. Probably when my doctor returns.. At supper he started that telltale expiratory grunting. It's stopped now, but u can hear his breathing worse than yesterday.  

Tomorrow the oxygen person comes again. We are looking at t-ing 2 concentrators to get him mote oxygen at nighttime he starts out good but after ther first few hours, he's back to 84 % on  8 litres.

If everything gets stable thru the weekend,  I'll work on getting him into hospital in Humboldt.  It's 45 mibs away, but I think I can still get him into the truck and there. He's getting progressively worse by the day and I'm running out of answers. If this is as good as it gets, we need to know that too. I feel so useless here but when I was at work I felt like I needed to be here. That makes no sense, but it's a feeling. ❤️
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Reply by eKIM
15 Mar 2024, 3:16 PM

Hi Korie

I missed replying to your March 14th posting, sorry about that.

You said, “Thank you for virtually giving me permission to be here and to talk to you.”

To speak from your heart with a complete stranger takes courage. 

The honour is all ours.  As volunteers, we are honoured that you take us into your confidence and share your deepest thoughts and emotions.  We will only support you, not judge you.

You stated that your eldest is in a state of denial.  Oftentimes this is the only coping mechanism that works for some people.  Everybody reacts differently.

In my volunteer work, I have had to learn how to accept this fact and not try to impose my views on others.  I can share my views to give someone a different perspective but I can’t tell them what to think or feel.

Here's a good example: Sadly, you are thinking of cancelling your vacation, however, you laid out some excellent reasons why it might have to be postponed until your husband is well enough to travel.

I cannot tell you what to do, but I can support you in your decision.

Keep coming back to us, Korie.  We are here for you.

-      eKim

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Reply by eKIM
15 Mar 2024, 3:19 PM

Hi Korie

 I missed replying to your March 14th posting, sorry about that.


You said, “Thank you for virtually giving me permission to be here and to talk to you.”



To speak from your heart with a complete stranger takes courage.


 The honour is all ours.  As volunteers, we are honoured that you take us into your confidence and share your deepest thoughts and emotions.  We will only support you, not judge you.



You stated that your eldest is in a state of denial.  Oftentimes this is the only coping mechanism that works for some people.  Everybody reacts differently.



In my volunteer work, I have had to learn how to accept this fact and not try to impose my views on others.  I can share my views to give someone a different perspective but I can’t tell them what to think or feel.


Here's a good example: Sadly, you are thinking of cancelling your vacation, however, you laid out some excellent reasons why it might have to be postponed until your husband is well enough to travel.

 I cannot tell you what to do, but I can support you in your decision.


Keep coming back to us, Korie.  We are here for you.



-      eKim

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Reply by eKIM
15 Mar 2024, 4:55 PM

Hi Korie

I can hear the frustration, confusion and sadness in your words – being called to the impossible…. Two places at once.

You said, “That makes no sense, but it's a feeling.” That is so normal when under duress we experience that exhausting battle between “HeadThink” and “HeartThink”.  It seems that regardless of one’s IQ, “HeartThink” always seems to dominate.

I’ve always thought of nurses and caregivers as EarthAngels (definition) “Those who put others before themselves.

You are a great wife and mother, Korie.  And a remarkable woman, an EarthAngel.  That’s not flattery.   I know what I’m talking about, I’ve been married to one for 54 ½ years.

My wife/soulmate does an amazing job at looking after me, our daughters and four grandsons.

I’m glad that the hospital is only 45 minutes away.  We live 1 hour northwest of Toronto and my hospital visits always require a bit of a drive.  But the outstanding medical care is well worth the drive, that’s for sure.

“Running out of answers” and “Running out of steam” is natural.  No one can give 24/7 of caregiving.  And as you well know, a hospital environment - with many people - can do that for your husband.

Sending you thoughts of love and peace.

-         Ekim

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Reply by Korie1971
16 Mar 2024, 4:52 AM

Thank you EKim, for the honesty and kindness in your words.  

Today we are the proud owners of 2 concentrators.  Because he slept thru the oxygen  therapists visit, we were able to talk, more than we can when he is around. He was relieved that we were not taking the chance and travelling ll. Of course they have horror stories if people who have, and things have gone wrong . We also spoke of what could be going on, how frustrating the constant decline is, and he is as bewildered as me. Unfortunately with the hospital being so far away, it's difficult to just pack him up and take him. Maybe I'm dragging my feet a bit too, in reluctantcy.  

We talked a little today, about going back tohospital,  and his fear of them sending him to a bigger center, and wgaat if he doesn't want to go. 
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Reply by eKIM
16 Mar 2024, 4:15 PM

Wow, Korie

You are faced with such a dilemma.  As I said earlier, it is beyond our mandate to offer advice.  It sounds like you do have professionals locally who can advise you.

I hope that providing you with a good "listening ear" is helpful for you.  Please keep posting as often as you want to and for as long as you want to.

- eKim
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Reply by Mark99
16 Mar 2024, 7:12 PM

I thought I'd take a sec to point something out here. A small note that shouts loud about this place and others like this. 
Nothing demonstrates the valuie, magic, and love of community as what is written here. Shared here. And embraced here by all. It's the organic creation of community and love. Take a moment and bask in what we've created and are doing for each other.
Let me go all metaphor. Medical metaphore. We are like white blood cells. T-cells that recognize and remove the infection called pain when a loved one is suffering or had died.
Mos def fist pump for all we do for each other we are warriors of compassion and love.
Peace out.
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Reply by Korie1971
17 Mar 2024, 6:31 AM

Your posts today made me smile. We are still struggling thru this, not really knowing was the next moment will bring. 

It took.longer thsn usual to get hubby up amd moving today, he didn't feel very good, but couldn't pinpoint where or what was going on. His blood sugar was good all night,and now tonight it's quite high, but it seems that his breathing is negatively affected when he is low. He woke 4 Times for the oxygen to be increased thru the night.

I'm going to look into some sort of financial assistance tomorrow, in case I do need to take a leave fir a month or longer. I'm not sure what assistant is out there tbh..
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Reply by eKIM
17 Mar 2024, 2:45 PM

Thank you for checking in with us today Korie.

It is nice to see you pop up in our mailbox and say to ourselves, "I wonder how Korie is doing?  I hope things are better."  

That is the altruistic part.

The selfish part is:

The entire time that I am thinking about you.....

Guess what?

I'm not thinking about my own situation.

Shall we coin a new phrase?

"Compassion Therapy as a method of self-care."

By the way,  I love everything that Mark said in his beautiful post. 

He is such a kind and gentle soul. 

If he lived near me I would want him as a best friend.

- Ekim
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Reply by Korie1971
18 Mar 2024, 4:37 AM

You made me smile today, thank you.

This morning I laid awake and tried to sort through all the thoughts in my head and all the feelings. I should have slept, but my mind was too busy. 

There is no improvement today over yesterday with his condition.  His breathing is a little more pronounced tonight again, but that's about it. I wish I knew what to tell him, or how to fix this but it's out of my control. He feels so helpless, and I don't have any answers. 

Tomorrow I will attempt to go into the city for groceries..All in all, he will be alone for about an hour and a half before our youngest gets home from school. Hopefully everything goes alright, if not I may not be doing this for a while either. 

Have a good day...
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