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Funerals and memorials
After a death This resource page helps you navigate what you need to do when someone dies in British Columbia. Find out the first steps,...
After a death checklist This checklist helps determine who to notify, what to do next, and keeps you organized after someone dies in British Columbia.
After the funeral checklist This after the funeral checklist will help with some administrative matters. The checklist is tailored to British Columbia,...
Creating Memorial Albums After Loss This article describes how scrapbooking and creative art can be used to prolong memories and also help during grief.   It...
Funerals in the time of a Pandemic: A toolkit for children’s and families A toolkit for children’s and families about funerals in the time of a Pandemic developed by GoodGrief. org.
A guide to death care in Ontario A Guide to Death Care in Ontario is a free guide provided by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario that helps consumers know...
Indigenous Voices First Nations, Inuit and Métis share stories about living with serious illness and grief in over 170 short video clips. Indigenous... LivingMyCulture. ca shares the lived experience of sixty-four people from eleven cultures. Stories about traditions, rituals...
Nova Scotia - It's in Your Hands: Legal Information for Seniors and Their Families Concise and informative guide addresses important topics including Guardianship, Wills, Funeral Planning, Power of Attorney,...
Personalizing The Funeral This fact sheet summarizes some of Dr Alan Wolfelt's suggestions contained in his book titled, Creating Meaningful Funeral...
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