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Grief and bereavement
African American Grief By capturing stories and observing practices, the authors reveal how racism affects quality of life, the manner and rate...
Ambiguous Loss and Grief: A Resource for Health Care Providers This document is intended to help health-care providers gain a better understanding of how loss and grief affect people with...
And the Passenger Was Death: The Drama and Trauma of Losing a Child On June 19, 1999, at 3: 00 a. m., Dr. Douglas Daher received a phone call informing him that his twenty-two-year-old son, Andrew,...
BC Cancer - Coping with Cancer resource guide BC Cancer helps those living with or affected by cancer to cope with the physical, practical, emotional and psychological...
Behind the Breakthrough Podcast - Challenging the meaning of palliative care, with Dr. Camilla Zimmermann Dr. Camilla Zimmermann talks about how her research has helped change the practice of palliative care from end-of-life care...
Bereavement - The Royal College of Psychiatrists This web site will give you information about some of the ways in which people grieve after loss, about the ways in which...
Bereavement during COVID-19: Share your experience Researchers at the University of Technology Sydney invite you to take part in a research study that explores the experiences...
Bereavement Ontario Network Bereavement Ontario Network is a diverse group of organizations and individuals throughout the province that work in the...
Bereavement Risk Assessment Tool (BRAT) The Bereavement Risk Assessment Tool, or BRAT, is a psychosocial assessment tool used by care team members to communicate...
Bereavement Volunteer Handbook This handbook was developed by the staff and volunteers working with Palliative Manitoba to guide volunteers working in bereavement...
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