For Volunteers

Volunteers are vital members of the palliative care team. The Canadian Virtual Hospice recognizes that palliative care volunteers spend their time supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our society. The dedication and support shown by volunteers is one reason palliative care is so widely regarded as compassionate care.

For Volunteers is intended for volunteers and volunteer managers to showcase and share valuable resource material so that we may benefit from each other’s experiences. 

Manager Resources
The (Help!) I-Don't-Have-Enough-Time Guide to Volunteer Management This book will help you to cope with the demands of trying to do all the tasks of volunteer program management in limited...
Challenges in Volunteer Management The target audience for this book is anyone who manages volunteers. The goal of this information is to demonstrate the breadth...
Counselling with Caregivers: A Guide for Professionals This book sensitizes healthcare practitioners to the challenges faced by caregivers, and provides practical advice reassessing...
Crossing Boundaries: Issues for hospice palliative care volunteers This research synopsis highlights the need for education, policies and procedures related to boundary issues in volunteer...
Energize Inc. This website created by Susan Ellis is intended for leaders of volunteers with book reviews, information newsletters etc.
Fundamentals in Volunteer Management On-line volunteer management course offered by Humber College. For more information visit http: //ces. humberc. on. ca/demovm
Group Support for Volunteers Barb Nolan, RN, BN,  Hospice Niagara, shares this guide which she has developed based on her years of experience, for facilitating...
Hospice Volunteer Association The Hospice Volunteer Association is a project of HEAL (Hospice Educators Affirming Life), an American organization. Canadians...
Hospice Volunteering (Blog) A Canadian who has worked as a hospice volunteer for 11+ years has created a blog to share information and support with other...
Maintaining Balance Through Humor and Play Barb Nolan, RN, BN, Hospice Niagara, shares these suggestions to help hospice volunteers care for themselves through humor...
Volunteer Resources
The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit will equip you with essential information about the Compassionate Community framework... Getpalliativecare. org is an American website which provides  palliative care information for people coping with serious,...
How to Be an Even Better Listener: A Practical Guide for Hospice and Palliative Care Volunteers Using a combination of compelling vignettes and reflective exercises, Robert Mundle provides readers with practical strategies...

For more information about becoming a volunteer, contact your local or provincial palliative care office.

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