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Meditation helps me get through my day 
Créé par jopatte
28 déc. 2017, 12 h 42

I am a caregiver and was offered a 3-night stay at the Golden Door in California after my business conference.

It changed my life in terms of my anxiety and how to cope with being a caregiver to my terminal ill husband.  Through yoga, meditation, spirtiual walks it taught me how to deal with all the changes in my life as a caregiver.

I find meditation each and every day helps clear my mind - I only do 10 minutes with an app called is the way I can cope each day. 

Réponse de CaroleD_admin
30 déc. 2017, 21 h 41

Hi jopatte,

Thank-you for sharing the success that you are having with meditation.  It helps for us all to hear what works for others and is a great reminder that we can drastically alter our ability to cope with a committment as small as 10 minutes per day.  I will definitely check out the app "CALM" as it is one that I am not familiar with.

It is also good to highlight that we are all unique in the way that this type of intentional practice works for each of us.  It sounds like you tried many different forms of practice - yoga, meditation, spiritual walks - and that helped you determine which was going to work for you as an individual in your unque experience.  What a great gift you received at Golden Door.

I hope that you ocntinue to find solace in your meditation practice and that it carries you through the role of caregivier with your husband.

New Year Blessings to you both,

Réponse de CaroleD_admin
30 déc. 2017, 21 h 57

Hi jopatte,

I also wondered if you might find this article on the site interesting?

I thought of it just after I hit send.

Take good care of yourself,
Réponse de ellisael
03 oct. 2019, 9 h 17

The app Calm does sound really wonderful. I looked it up! Thanks :)
21 mai 2020, 22 h 46

I know it's been several months since this thread was active, but thought I would check in and say hello and also ask if you receive this notification you might consider responding to a new member CAS who posted to the thread Caregiving this afternoon.

I appreciate you considering it - by invitation not expectation.

Réponse de roylenard
24 juin 2020, 14 h 33

Meditation can be a real treatment if it's supported by proper environment and music. It's a good way for tuning the inner world and catching the harmony.
Réponse de TrevorL
25 juin 2020, 3 h 12

Hello Roylenard,


Thank you for sharing. I agree that meditation can certainly be very helpful, particularly with a supportive environment to set the stage. I am curious what you and others find helpful during meditation?

Réponse de roylenard
25 juin 2020, 6 h 08

Hi Trevorl,

I've been struggling with anxiety more than ten years and feeling better since I started to do meditation. I'm feeling like my brain is overworking and can't keep myself at ease. Meditation helps me to stop overthinking and keep calmer.
Réponse de eKIM
26 juin 2020, 1 h 00

One of my best friends ever is a Buddhist Monk.  Try as he did, he could not teach this "BusyMind" of mine to settle down long enough to sit still and reap the full benefits of meditation. 

Then he suggested, "Walking Meditation" which works for me because I take long walks in the woods with our dog each day.  Feeling "fully in the moment" and "at one with everything" is easy when one is surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Then one day, I sort of accidentally fell into "Swimming Meditation" - I don't know if it's a "thing" or not, but it really works for me.  I almost fall into a trance when I feel the weightlessness of my mind meld with the weightlessness of my body. I do a very slow breaststroke and as my breathing settles and slows, it's almost I go into a "zone".  I feel as though I could swim forever. 

I meditate, pray and send out positive energy to all the hurting souls in this world.  I have always found that thinking of others is always a good way to stop thinking of myself.  This is how I find peace.

Speaking of Meditation:  I'll close with a funny story (humour is the best medicine, after all):  The neighbour asks about the man's 30-year-old son, "Is he still unemployed and living in your basement?"  The man answers, "Yes but he's taking a course in meditation."  "Oh, that's good." says the neighbour.  "At least he's not sitting around, doing nothing."  

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