Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

African American Grief By capturing stories and observing practices, the authors reveal how racism affects quality of life, the manner and rate...
African American Outreach Guide Free online outreach guides for health care providers to enhance access and palliative care in these diverse communities.
Being Mortal Gawande presents a detailed, but highly readable history of how the meaning of death has changed over the past fifty or sixty...
Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death Using a Buddhist approach to death, the author affirms that we can open and contact our inner strength, and that we can help...
Canadian Association for Spiritual Care The Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC) is a national multifaith organization which is committed to the professional...
Caring For Dying People of Different Faiths This book provides information about the beliefs, customs and practices of the world's major religions, with particular regard...
Caring for the Human Spirit Spiritual care journal started in Summer 2014 by the Health Care Chaplaincy Network. See the attached inaugural issue. For...
Chinese-American Outreach Guide Free online outreach guides for health care providers to enhance access and palliative care in these diverse communities.
Companioning the Bereaved: A Soulful Guide for Caregivers Dr. Wolfelt, a respected grief educator, presents a model for grief counseling based on his "companioning" principles.
Completing the Circle This website created by First Nations University, Saskatchewan, provides information and resources on culturally sensitive...
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